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Ghost Parade Live in Action

    There is anyone read Ghost Parade comic in webtoon?? How many ghost that you know from Ghost Parade comic? Did you have favourite ghost in our comic? 

    Ghost characters in Ghost Parade is different from All ghost story in the world. You can see by yourself , our ghost is so cute. Did you imagin how if ghost in comic Ghost Parade become reality, you can see this ghosts live in your world. Ghost Parade crew  always giving surprise every time we open booth in event. Do you want to know Ghost Parade crew surprise??

    Taraaaaaa~~~ Ghost Parade crew present, Ghost Parade Character Live in Action ^^ yeayyyy



    First. certainly, you know this figure because many people know her, she is really famous ghost. She is Jeng Kunti.

    Second, handsome men named Pastur Jeruk Purut. He is one of handsome ghost finalist from Ghost Parade world.




    Third, we can meet beautiful Holland ghost. All men ghost in Ghost Parade world like her because she is beautiful and she playing piano so well, she is Nancy.


     Next, fifth we meet elegant and strong women ghost, she is South Sea guardian named Nyai Lara Kidul.



    Sixth, hauuuuuummmmm he is tiger from Ghost Parade world but he is unordinary tiger. Gallant, strong, and forest guardian, he is Siluman Harimau.

    There is it, two cute and funny siluman Harimau. They come for enliven human world. See how cute this two siluman Harimau >,< kyuuuuunggg ♥

    Hhhmmm so, can you guess Ghost Parade crew surprise for another event when crew open booth in event?? Ssssttttt that is secret hehehe. Don’t forget always support us on:

    Fanpage Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GhostParadeGame/

    Twitter : https://twitter.com/GhostParadeGame

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ghost.parade/

    AskFM : @ghostparadegame

    Webtoon : http://www.webtoons.com/id/challenge/ghost-parade-tkp/list?title_no=19458

    Wait for our Ghost Parade Launching ok? Don’t worry that is coming soon~~~. Bye bye