Indonesia- 9 December 2016. Did you ever heard story about ghost telephone ? Ghost who call someone at midnight. Ghost Parade have Ghost of Phone too. Don’t worry, Ghost Parade ghost always by your side not to scared you but for protect your phone.
Ghost Parade introducing you this Ghost of Phone. Ghost of phone is phonecase, this phonecase can protect your handphone from friction and impact which can happen anytime. This phonecase price only 200.000 Rupiah. Available in 3 model Jeng Kunti, Nancy, and Jeng Kunti Special Edition. If you want to have it, you can order to Ghost Parade Fan Page, this is link fanpage Ghost Parade
Jeng Kunti Special edition, phone case with picture of Jeng Kunti as model. Jeng Kunti’s special edition appearing with full colour. Jeng Kunti special edition can make your phone looks gorgeous.
Available for all phone type <3