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Merchandise of Ghost Parade

    Singapore- Atmosphere in AFA Singapore is very crowded. In booth, Ghost Parade crew prepared  video game demo for all AFA SG visitor. Visitors who come to our booth can try Ghost Parade game.

    Not just game, we prepared various merchandise and we launched book “Bausastra Lelembut Nusantara”, you can read on the spot this encyclopedia of ghost, but don’t worry if you really want to buy encyclopedia Bausastra Lelembut you can pre-order this book to fanpage Ghost Parade at facebook or twitter Ghost Parade.

    You can see many photographer and visitor taking a picture of Ghost Parade BJD (Ball Jointed Doll) and merchandise. Ghost Parade merchandise attracted attention . People who passing our booth always come in to booth because they feel curious.  Inside the booth, there is a lot of various item from Ghost Parade, likes doll, pillow, keychain, phone case, and others. Ghost Parade crew neatly displayed merchandise  in a display box.

    She is Ms. Kenichiro Yamaji, she really fascinated to Suri and Nancy BJD, she seeing Suri and Nancy BJD and she tell us she is very interested to Suri and Nancy. We explain to her, this doll is limited edition because we design and  prettify this doll by our self. Thank you to mistress Kenichiro Yamaji, please take care of them. Suri and Nancy BJD sold. Thank you very much, keep follow Ghost Parade development.