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Peek a Boo, Ghost Parade come to AFA Singapore

    176Singapore- Friday, 25-11-2016 there is event Anime Festival Asia Singapore (AFASG 2016). Ghost Parade opening booth at famous event and that event always crowded by many people, that event is AFASG 2016. Event with “ANIME FESTIVAL ASIA” theme gives many things about anime, game, cosplay, music and etc. For your information, ANIME FESTIVAL ASIA or AFA, every year always organized this event at 3 country there is Bangkok, Jakarta, and Singapore.

    What is this? There is something wrong? Why so crowded in there? Many people jostle around to in. Peoples really curious with one booth, because that booth looks different from another booths. From first day AFA Singapore opened event, Ghost Parade booth get many visitor, our booth almost can’t handle the visitors.

    many visitor come
    many visitor come

    Ghost Parade bought some computer and neatly arranged for visitor to try playing our game “Ghost Parade”.  Visitors who come to our booth not just to try playing our game but to buy Ghost Parade merchandise too.

    Krul Tepes cosplay
    Krul Tepes cosplay

    In AFA Singapore we meet cosplayer From Semarang, she purposeful come to our booth because she know from her friend about Ghost Parade will open booth at AFA Singapore. There is many visitor enjoying story line from Ghost Parade game, until they not aware surrounding because they concentrate playing game. Visitors who come to our booth choose character they loved in game Ghost Parade.

    nico cosplay
    nico cosplay